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Best Free Online Music Streaming Platforms

A life without music is truly unimaginable. Whether on the web, mobile phones or tablets, the options for music access are unlimited...

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A life without music is truly unimaginable. Whether on the web, mobile phones or tablets, the options for music access are unlimited and so are the streaming music services that are growing at a lightening fast speed. This makes it very complicated to choose one or two from them and decide the most appropriate one. The following list of 15 best free online music streaming platforms will help you out of the complicated state and make it easier for you to decide as to which ones are the best to get a space in your devices without burning a hole in your pockets.

1. Spotify

With about 20 million options placed in its catalog, Spotify is one of the most popular names in the music streaming service industry. Providing a streaming quality of about 320 kbps, Spotify has access from all major platforms such as windows, blackberry, iOS and Android. From individual artists to albums to bands and even creating a playlist, Spotify equips the user with every feature to enhance their listening experience.

2.  Google Play

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Another widely used name in the music streaming service industry is Google Play. Google Play, unlike Spotify, enables the user to access their entire music catalog and not just the available streaming ones. Also, with a high quality music streaming ability of 320kbps, Google Play is much easier to access as it is compatible in all leading platforms including iOS.

3. Pandora

 PandoraScreenshotWith around one million music options in the catalog, Pandora is an option for those who want a free streaming of the radio stations instead of on-demand tracks. The free account holders have certain benefits that include 100 personalized radio stations and limited skips. With a streaming quality of 192 kbps, Pandora is an ideal option for those who love to customize everything.

4. iHeartRadio

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iHeart Radio is probably the only one music streaming service provider with absolutely no charges included for the access. Equipped with a catalog of more than 18 million songs, 4,500 artists and 1,500 live radio stations, this app can be easily found in all platforms such as Android, Blackberry, Windows, iOS and also Xbox. The user can search, personalize and customize their music needs with the help of this service provider.

5. Mixclouds

With Mixclouds, a user can have an access to long length audios, radio shows, music mixes, create and favorite playlist, all for absolutely free of cost. Also, the users do not need to pay a single penny for downloading the app and is available in all the platforms including android and iOS. Though it does not provide single music or album, its catalog of more than 3 million mixes is the compensation.

6. Grooveshark

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Grooveshark is another considerable music streaming service platform where the user can choose from a large list of music and has an easy search and listen format, uploading the user choice Mp3s and also keeping track of friends’ music lists, even subscribing to it. Grooveshark is free with ads for the users; however you may have to pay a considerate amount if you intend to benefit more from the site.

7.  Deezer

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Deezer is one of the more mature and experienced music streaming service providers, having started in 2006. The site has as many as 30 million music options in its catalog and is compatible in almost all the platforms, from Android to Blackberry, PC to Windows. The company offers unlimited free music access to the user for one month and then restricts the access to two hours. Deezer is one of the companies with the largest catalog and provides all the basic features. By paying for upgrades, the users can also remove the access restriction and listen to higher quality tracks.


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One of the oldest free music streaming service providers, is a company with a wide catalog of tracks, albums, artists and many more. The company keeps track of everything the user plays and provides personalized recommendations based on the lists. Apart from this, the user can access the service from Android, web, Linux, Windows and iOS. Though the basic service is free to use, however extra payment has to be made for extra benefits.

9. Slacker Radio

Another popular name in the music streaming service industry is the Slacker Radio. Slacker Radio has equipped around 13 million tracks and in its catalog with a streaming quality of 128 kbps and professional DJs creating music stations. It is free with ads, but has a subscription for without ad and on-demand streaming.

10.  Xbox Music

 X-box Screen Collection
Xbox music is a video and music streaming service from Microsoft and has the most expansive catalog with 30 million tracks. It provides free music streaming with ads and has artist-based radio stations. This service is ideal for those having a Microsoft Windows device.

11. Sound Cloud

Sound Cloud is a streaming service company that is mainly popular due to its unique feature that allows the user to share their on music creation to the world apart from enjoying someone else’s creations. With an expansive music library, sound cloud provides all the basic functionality and free streaming that offers several functions including access to unlimited playlists and few statistics.

12.  MySpace

MySpace can be considered an amalgamation of a music service and a kind of social networking site. Re-launching itself as a free music and video streaming platform, my space has a huge music library focused especially unknown artists?

13.  8 Tracks

8 tracks can be considered a blend of a social networking site and an Internet radio. Here, you can create your own playlist by mixing a minimum of 8 tracks, search other mixes from artists or people and share their creation with the world. It’s a free streaming service provider with a radio style format.

14. The Sixty One

The Sixty One is one of the free streaming services with a unique feature which enables the user to access less popular and undiscovered tracks. All the songs can be played online for free and some can be downloaded from the site too.

15.  RDIO

With Rdio, a user can perform all the basic functionalities starting from creating own playlist, listening particular track, artist or album, personalizing the playlist and creating customizing the radio stations. The streaming is free with ads and it is available on web, Android, Windows and iOS.
Wondershare streaming audio recorder is an innovative approach whereby a user can record audios from any detected online audio source such as online radio, you tube or music sources. This digital recorder records the audio from these sources with the help of high quality software that not only maintains the original quality of the audios but also automatically discards the commercials in between the tracks. Further more, it allows the user to personalize the recordings and create ringtones. It is simple to use and goes well with all leading music sites and radio stations.
wondershare-streaming-audio-recorder-snap shot

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World Networks: Best Free Online Music Streaming Platforms
Best Free Online Music Streaming Platforms
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