Every human has one common goal: to be successful. The fields can be different; the paths can be different; the motives can be different;...
Every human has one common goal: to be successful. The fields can be different; the paths can be different; the motives can be different; but we all have one common destination: success. Just to be clear, here, that success doesn’t mean money or fame or any materialistic possession. For some, they are parameters of success, but for most they are not. To me, success means deep satisfaction and happiness with what you have achieved in life. For others, it might mean something else. But, no matter how you define success, to get to the end goal where you feel you have achieved what you wanted from life is not as simple as it sounds. It takes a lot of drive and hard work for a very long period of time to even come close to your goals. Therefore, it is important to be constantly inspired so that you can keep working towards your goals. The below 10 movies won’t make you successful — nothing will except your hard work — but they will certainly help you in remaining inspired.
10. Fight Club (1999): Detach from material possessions.
‘Fight Club’ as a movie narrates many lessons on success through a journey of a man who befriends and carries on with an imaginary friend. It turns one to thinking about imprisoning and emasculating shackles of modern life. Basically, the film says to you that if you really want to be successful, you will have to learn to detach from material possessions because it’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.
A Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, creates the social networking website site that would become known as Facebook. An entrepreneurial success leads to personal and legal complications as his two brothers and cofounder sue him for stealing their idea. His hardship spells success as within six years, he held a brigade of 500 million friends a title of youngest billionaire in history. Everybody wants to be successful, but nobody know how to handle success. The truth is beginning to taste success means beginning to taste hardship, losses, betrayal, et al.
10. Fight Club (1999): Detach from material possessions.

9. The Social Network (2010): Know your path to success