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Harry Potter Collection

Harry Potter is a British-American film series based on the Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling. Wikipedia Characters...

Harry Potter is a British-American film series based on the Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling. Wikipedia
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Directors: David Yates, Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cuarón, Mike Newell
Production companies: Warner Bros., Heyday Films, 1492 Pictures

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Harry Potter, an eleven-year-old orphan, discovers that he is a wizard and is invited to study at Hogwarts. Even as he escapes a dreary life and enters a world of magic, he finds trouble awaiting him.
Release date: 12 April 2002
Director: Chris Columbus

A queer creature warns Harry against returning to Hogwarts. Harry decides to ignore him. When he returns to school, he finds himself surrounded in a web of mystery.
Release date: 25 April 2003
Director: Chris Columbus

In his third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter learns that Sirius Black has escaped from the Azkaban prison and is planning to kill him.
Release date: 4 June 2004
Director: Alfonso Cuarón

In his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry is unwittingly selected to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry is forced to compete against older wizards and face dangerous and magical creatures.
Release date: 18 November 2005
Director: Mike Newell

Harry Potter and Dumbledore's warning about the return of Lord Voldemort is not heeded by the wizard authorities who, in turn, look to undermine Dumbledore's authority at Hogwarts.
Release date: 13 July 2007
Director: David Yates

Dumbledore and Harry Potter learn more about Voldemort's past and his rise to power. Meanwhile, Harry stumbles upon an old potions textbook belonging to a person calling himself the Half-Blood Prince.
Initial release: 6 July 2009
Director: David Yates

To assure Lord Voldemort's death and to protect mankind from evil, Harry, Ron and Hermione must find and destroy each Horcrux. Voldemort's henchmen, the Death Eaters, give the trio a tough time.
Release date: 19 November 2010
Director: David Yates

Harry, Ron and Hermione face a race against time to destroy the remaining horcruxes. Meanwhile, the students and teachers unite to defend Hogwarts against Lord Voldemort and his minions.
Initial release: 7 July 2011
Director: David Yates

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Harry Potter Collection
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