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Top Epic Cards In Clash Royale (CR)

Hi Clasher of Clash Royale.. Here are some of the top 5 Epic Cards in Clash Royale..!! 1.Executioner: "He throws his a...

Hi Clasher of Clash Royale..
Here are some of the top 5 Epic Cards in Clash Royale..!!


"He throws his axe like a boomerang, striking all enemies on the way out AND back. It's a miracle he doesn't lose his arm."
The Executioner is unlocked from the Jungle Arena(Arena 9). He is an area damage, ranged troop with high hitpoints and moderate damage. He throws his axe in a straight line; it will then fly back to him, dealing its damage twice. It cost 5 Elixir to deploy. 
  • Its long range, area damage, ability to attack both air and ground units, and ability to deal double damage can allow it to become a decent alternative for a Witch or Wizard in a Giant Combo.
  • Although his range is 4.5 tiles, his axe throw actually reaches 6.5 tiles away, allowing him to damage other units that are just behind his targeted unit. His aggression range is 4.5 tiles, so he will have to walk up to the enemy before hitting it with his axe, even though the axe can reach troops 6.5 tiles away. Taking this even further, when the axe is flying through the air it has a 1 tile radius. Thus, the Executioner can technically reach 7.5 tiles.
  • His hit speed comes in two parts: his axe travels for 1.5 seconds and after the axe returns to him there are another 0.9 seconds where he does not attack. This sums up to an overall 2.4-second hit speed. Rage and slowing effects only affect the 0.9-second portion of the attack where he is not attacking and does not affect the 1.5 seconds in which the axe is in motion. Hence, Rage and slowing effects do not greatly affect the Executioner's damage output as they only change the overall hit speed by about 0.3 seconds.
  • Because of its damage and other perks listed above, countering swarms with the Executioner can also be extremely effective. However, keep in mind it has a very slow attack speed (2.4 seconds), almost as slow as a Bowler's.
  • The Executioner has moderately low damage per second, so medium-hitpoint units such as Mini P.E.K.K.A. or Knight can counter him.
  • Since the Executioner has a linear attack similar to the Bowler, he can attack glass cannons that are behind a tank.
  • Like most splash units,  surrounding the Executioner only allows him to target one unit at a time making his splashing mechanic useless.
  • The Executioner pairs well with the Bowler as the Bowler can take care of ground swarms and the Executioner can help the Bowler with ground troops and defend against air swarms. This combo is also durable, surviving Fireball + Zap or Fireball + The Log. It is, however, vulnerable to a Rocket.


"As pretty as they are, you won't want a parade of THESE balloons showing up on the horizon. Drops powerful bombs and when shot down, crashes dealing area damage."
The Balloon is a flying troop card which is unlocked from the Bone Pit (Arena 2).It costs 5 Elixir to deploy, with high hitpoints and very high damage that deals medium death damage when defeated.
The Balloon targets buildings such as Crown Towers. It deals a massive amount of damage with its dropped bombs. When the Balloon is destroyed, it drops an area damage bomb which damages nearby troops and buildings.


  • The Balloon is most effective for destroying Crown Towers because of its high damage. Its damage potential is best backed up with the Freeze which if used properly can completely disable all resistance to the Balloon.
  • Using a Rage in conjunction with the Balloon will punish the enemy, as the Rage allows it to reach the tower faster and also quickens its attack to 1.6 seconds. 
  • This strategy is especially powerful at the last minute of the match or during Sudden Death since the player will have additional Elixir to spawn support troops (such as Spear Goblins or Mini P.E.K.K.A.) to back it up. 
  • This combo will give the player 3 remaining Elixir if you start with full Elixir. For backup, Minions or a Knight that is put in front could be used. An attack like this could get the player an easy Crown Tower at the very start of the game. 
  • This strategy is risky, as it leaves the player's other Crown Tower wide open for attacks. It might result in a Crown Tower for a Crown Tower trade-off. Take careful consideration when using it. 
  • The strategy can easily be countered with the Minion Horde unless a splash damage card is used in the push, 
  • A similar and sometimes better strategy is Lumberjack and Balloon, in which the Lumberjack is in front, tanks for a little, and when dies, drops a Rage in which the Balloon gets boosted and can get several hits on the tower. However, this strategy is easily countered by Minion Horde, or even Inferno Tower and Freeze. Minions cannot counter because it will only focus on one of the two, in which either Lumberjack or Balloon could get a few hits on the tower.


"Slow but durable, only attacks buildings. When destroyed, explosively splits into two Golemites and deals area damage!"
The Golem is troop card which gets unlocked from the Builder's Workshop (Arena 6). It costs 8 Elixir to deploy. It is a building-targeting, melee troop with very high hit points and moderate damage that deals death damage when defeated. The Golem has extremely high hitpoints and deals significant damage, targeting only buildings like Crown Towers. Upon death, the Golem ruptures into two weaker Golemites, causing moderate Area Damage.The Golemites continue to deal damage until they are destroyed. Like the Golem, when the Golemites are destroyed, they rupture, dealing low Area Damage. The Golem's appearance takes form as a colossal, menacing, rock brute with red/turquoise color depends on the side of the Arena crystals growing on its back. Its Golemites have a similar look, except much smaller in size.


  • As a high hitpoint card, the Golem is effectively used in conjunction with a high damaging support card, like a Mini P.E.K.K.A. or a Prince, or splash damage troops like Dark Prince, Valkyrie, or Baby Dragon.
  • Upon destruction, the Golem deals area damage and splits into two Golemites. The area damage caused by the troop's destruction deals damage to surrounding enemy cards. This is able to eliminate low health troops like the Skeleton Army and Minion Horde.
  • The Golemites also deal area damage upon death, but it is insignificant compared to the health of any card.
  • An effective strategy with the Golem is to strengthen it with supporting troops as it makes its way to the opposing Crown Towers. By deploying the Golem on the rear of the Arena behind the player's King's Tower, the player is able to place supportive troops, such as the Wizard, Musketeer or even a mirrored Golem, to make the push extremely effective and difficult to counter. The Golem is slow, giving the player ample time to build a major push. However, this costs a heavy amount of Elixir, and it may leave you undefended for an enemy push in the other lane.
  • Although the Golem spawns Golemites upon death, buildings and troops will start targeting troops behind the Golem since it takes 1 second for the Golemites to spawn and the closest targets will be the troops the Golem is protecting. This can easily be fixed by placing a spell such as Zap, Lightning, Freeze, or an Ice Spirit which can all stun or freeze the tower changing the tower's aim to the Golemites again.
  • Be incredibly careful when playing the Golem. Some opponents will take advantage of the Golem's high Elixir cost and attack the other lane. Easy fixes to this are waiting until the last minute Elixir is doubled or to use the Elixir Collector.
  • Always keep in mind that an Inferno Tower can easily destroy a Golem if allowed to reach its higher damage thresholds.
  • Although the Skeleton Army is usually effective for countering high hitpoint, single target troops, it is not recommended to use it to counter a Golem because its death damage will kill most, if not all of the Skeletons. However, in desperate situations, the Skeleton Army can still be used to kill the whole Golem, as the Golemites are relatively easy to defeat.


"This big blue dude digs the simple things in life - Dark Elixir drinks and throwing rocks. His massive boulders roll through their target, hitting everything behind for a strike!"
The Bowler is a troop card it gets unlocked from the Frozen Peak (Arena 8). It costs 5 Elixir to deploy. He is an area damage, medium-ranged troop with high hit points and moderate damage.
He throws massive boulders which roll linearly to damage and knock back the Bowler's target and any other units in the boulder's path. 


  • The Bowler has a similar attack to The Log and the Fireball, knocking back troops, but in a linear motion, and not stopping until its range has been completed.
  • Keep in mind that unlike The Log, his boulders lack the ability to stop the Prince or Dark Prince, and Battle Ram's charge.
  • When defending against a Bowler that is on the player's side of the Arena, avoid placing the defensive card in front of him, as there is the risk of incurring damage to the tower. Instead, place the unit(s) in the center, so the boulder is directed away from the tower.
  • It is important to place the Bowler correctly, as to make the most use out of his linear rolling attack. For example, if there is a big push with many low hitpoint troops hiding behind a tank, then the Bowler should be placed directly in front of the tank so his boulder will roll over all the troops behind it.
  • The Bowler is a very effective counter to cards that spawn other units such as the Barbarian Hut and Goblin Hut, as he constantly pushes the spawned units back and deals damage to all of them.
  • He is an excellent counter to a push, damaging both the tank and the backup. More importantly, his boulder separates the backup from the tank Giants, Golems, and P.E.K.K.A.s aren't affected by push back, making them easier to finish off.
  • The Bowler is excellent defending against small to medium health troops since they can be crippled by the Bowler's considerable damage and knock back, if not destroyed outright.
  • When defending against a Bowler, Minions, a Minion Horde, or an Inferno Dragon can easily take him out since the Bowler only hits ground troops. It is also possible to surround and defeat the Bowler with cheap ground units due to his slow, linear attack. Barbarians and Guards work very well when surrounding him, due to their damage.
  • Since surrounding the Bowler can destroy him easily, the player should use strong splash units to take out the units surrounding the Bowler.
  • If placed directly behind an Arena Tower, the Bowler can counter a Goblin Barrel and stay alive for a counter-push. However, this requires good timing.
  • He has a slow hit speed and low damage per second, so the player might need to back it up with troops with fast attack speeds and hard hitters such as the Musketeer and the Witch.
  • He can take out the Witch with ease because he can also damage the Witch while killing the Skeletons. When used properly, he will suffer minimal damage and still make a good counter-push.


"Bolts of lightning damage and stun up to three enemy troops or buildings with the most hitpoints in the target area. Reduced damage to Crown Towers."
The Lightning is a spell card which gets unlocked in the Goblin Stadium (Arena 1).
It is a spell with a wide radius and very high damage. It costs 6 Elixir to cast. When cast, the Lightning will cause three bolts of lightning to rain down from the sky, targeting the 3 troops/buildings with the highest hitpoints within its AoE (Area of Effect), dealing very high damage and a brief stun.


  • The Lightning spell can be used to finish off lowered Crown Towers or destroy low-medium hitpoints units that deployed behind a Tower to damage the Tower and the units.
  • This spell is extremely effective against Musketeers, Wizards, and Witches, especially next to enemy Crown Towers, as the spell targets the 3 troops/buildings with the highest amount of hitpoints in its radius. This can decimate most pushes.
  • As the Lightning strikes once on each target, it will strike fewer than three times if there are only one or two enemy troops/buildings within its radius, reducing its value.
  • When using the Lightning, it is important to be designate the targets of the spell in its radius. It is best to refrain from showing the opponent the Lightning until the opportunity for the highest Elixir advantage possible arises.
  • When trying to destroy the enemy Crown Tower at the last few seconds of the game, be careful, as any medium-high hitpoint units in its radius will be targeted instead by the Lightning, as in such situations the Crown Tower will have relatively low health, possibly even lower than a Skeleton. Instead, cast the Lightning towards the corner of the Tower while it is within its radius to avoid targeting other units.
  • It can be effectively used to counter Three Musketeers to create a 3 Elixir advantage.
  • The Elixir trade-off for using a Lightning is very high, giving the enemy an Elixir advantage in most cases. The Lightning Spell is also ineffective against high-hitpoint units such as the Giant or Prince.
  • A good alternative to the Lightning with a smaller area of effect yet yielding higher damage is the Rocket. Although it utilizes the same amount of Elixir, the Rocket does not discriminate between troops with higher and lower hitpoints and instead damages all troops/buildings in its radius.
  • The Lightning can be paired with a 3 Elixir card such as the Minions or Arrows to eliminate any lingering troop(s) weakened by the Lightning.
  • The Lightning is very effective against the Sparky as it will reset Sparky's damage while also dealing high damage to her and other supporting troops.
  • Barbarians can shield any medium HP units from Lightning, as their HP is higher. For example, Three Musketeers. 
Click the video to know more..!!

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World Networks: Top Epic Cards In Clash Royale (CR)
Top Epic Cards In Clash Royale (CR)
World Networks
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