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Review: Logan

The X-Men series is by far one of the coolest superhero concept that Marvel has come up with. However they have failed time and again to...

The X-Men series is by far one of the coolest superhero concept that Marvel has come up with. However they have failed time and again to popularise it through movies ( keeping in mind the last apocalypse movie.)
People from all generations love the X-Men and the most remarkable among them being Jimmy Logan or as we know him by the name Wolverine. The last addition to the series was one of the best X-MEN movies ( at least in my opinion) - LOGAN.

It was not like an orthodox superhero movie in which everything is merry in the end and that's what makes it special. I would rather call it a sci-fi drama rather than just sci-fi. It has just done wonders in depicting​ the story of a dying hero. 

I don't really think I'd have to give any introduction for the MAN who has marvellously played the character of Logan through almost 17 years. As soon as the name Hugh Jackman comes up, we instantly think of the titanium claws. It's just similar to Daniel Radcliff -Harry Potter thing. 
Then there is Patrick Stewart, the wise, mind controlling old man. He plays one of the most important chaacters in the movie.
(We'll come to that later.)
And finally there's the little mutant Dafne Keen. Her character  in the movie is quite intruiging or more precisely we can say that the whole movie revolves around her.

So it goes like this. Mutants are on the verge of Extinction and only a few are remaining. Logan and Charles Xavier being the last of them. It seems like Professor X is loosing his  control over his powers and Logan is the guy taking his care. In the meantime he receives a contract for a  transportation ( he drives a Limousine by the way) of a mother daughter pair. Eventually the mother is killed leaving only the daughter alive. 
The story basically revolves around the three of them and the relations which are build on their road trip to their destination. Briefly, the girl is a genetic offspring of Logan and possesses the same powers as logan. 
The climax is rather an emotional one. The hero which we have been seeing from the beginning of the century has finally fallen to the hands of cruel humanity. 
Twists and Turns:
The movie has only a few twists. One is that Logan is not healing as fat as he used to and his stamina has gone down too. One twist which comes towards the end of the movie is that Jimmy tends to accept the girl as his daughter and wishes to have a peaceful life which he had never before desired. 
The movie was really hyped and it surely lived up to it's expectations or it would be better to say that the movie delievered a lot more that what all of us had expected. Moreover, I am sure that now people are even more excited about the next addition to the series named The New Mutants as the build up is pretty strong.
In my opinion, Logan was by far the best X-Men movie. It has some serious acting and a superhero vibe fills the movie. Hugh Jackman completely steals the show and proves yet again that the role of​ Wolverine was made for him. There is no place for humour in te movie so I will not suggest people below 15 or someone​ who is looking for Marvel's orthodox sort of movies, to watch this movie. This movie is some serious stuff to watch and it will surely pull your head into it.
I'd like to hear your opinions as well. Please do give feedback and enjoy. Here's a look at it.

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World Networks: Review: Logan
Review: Logan
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