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About Martial Arts

Introduction of Martial Arts .... Martial arts  are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are practiced for a ...

Introduction of Martial Arts ....

Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are practiced for a number of reasons: as self-defense, military and law enforcement applications, mental and spiritual development; as well as entertainment and the preservation of a nation's intangible cultural heritage.
Although the term martial art has become associated with the fighting arts of eastern Asia, it originally referred to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550 s. The term is derived from Latin, and means "arts of Mars", the Roman god of war. Some authors have argued that fighting arts or fighting systems would be more appropriate on the basis that many martial arts were never "martial" in the sense of being used or created by professional warriors.............


Classification of Martial Arts...
Chinese martial art culture is rich with various schools.
According to regions,it is divided into South Chuan and Taijiquan .
 According to mountains ad temples , it is divided into Shaolin Chuan , Wu Tang and Erh Mei  Chuan.
According to images, it is divided into Snake Chuan, Monkey Chuan and Praying Mantis Kungfu, etc.
In terms of internal and external practice, it is divided into Internal and External Chuan..
According to skills, it is divided into Chuan skills, Weapons , Qigong and Wrestling.

According to sports form, current martial art is divided into Martial art skills, Hand fighting & Wrestling.

Martial Arts Techniques :-

Traditionally, martial arts were identified as fighting arts that originated in Asia. However, as the understanding of martial arts has expanded, combative arts created outside of Asia began to be labeled as martial arts.
Martial arts techniques come in many shapes and sizes. There are empty-hand techniques during which the practitioner does not have a weapon. Theses generally involve strikes, kicks and grappling techniques. There are techniques for various weapons—knife, stick, blunt and other edged weapons. There are also disarming and self-defense techniques during which the practitioner is specifically trying to overcome an aggressor.
Martial arts techniques also can include “softer” techniques, like breathing exercises, chi-disruption techniques and meditation.

1. Chokes:-

Chokes—which also are called chokeholds or strangleholds—are grappling holds applied to an opponent or attacker’s neck that can cause unconsciousness or death. They are commonly used in combative sports, close-quarters and hand-to-hand combat, law enforcement, martial arts and self-defense. 

2. Joint Locks:-

Joint locks manipulate wrists, elbows, knees, etc., beyond their normal range of motion in order to break or dislocate bones, injure muscles, tear tendons or rip ligaments. These grappling techniques, used in martial arts such as chin na, jujutsu, judo and Brazilianjiu-jitsu, force an opponent/attacker into a submissive, nonthreatening position. 

3. Kicks:-

Kicks are strikes that involve the legs, knees, feet or toes. Depending on the intention of the practitioner, his power and/or speed, simple kicks, like the front, side, back or roundhouse kick, can generally be performed one of two ways. First, the practitioner can deliver the kick with a quick snap of the knee and hips. Second, he can deliver it with a powerful hip thrust in which he locks his knees to deliver a focused straight-leg kick. 

4. Strikes:-

Characterized as a physical hit with any part of the body or an inanimate object, strikes are meant to cause pain, injury or death to an opponent. For martial artists, striking usually involves hitting with the legs or arms. For the legs, the practitioner strikes with his foot or knees. He also can stomp. For the arms, the practitioner uses his elbows, wrists, fists,or fingers in a variety of ways.

5. Throws/ Takedowns:-

In the past, throws were commonly associated with judo and takedowns with wrestling. However, with the spread of martial arts into mainstream America and the rise of mixed martial arts, throws and takedowns have become synonymous with most martial-arts-influenced combative sports like Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, jujutsu, sambo, shuai jiao , sumo and wrestling jiao.

6.Weapon Techniques :-

Martial arts weapon techniques refer to nonballistic weapons. Historically, the earliest known weapons were simple clubs (wood, bone, stone); the individuals with clubs discovered they had an advantage over their unarmed adversaries. This led to armed conflicts in which both parties carried weapons. With both opponents armed, it became necessary to develpo weapon techniques to defeat the opponent -small differences in technique and timing could spell the difference between life and death. The various archaeological ages  (Stone, Bronze and Iron)  ushered in weapons that were increasingly intricate, efficient, sharp and deadly. more complex weapons often required more advanced training methods: thus the arms race was on.

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